The Great Singapore Walk Events

Part 2: The Great Singapore Walk-250KM
December 19, 2020
The Great Singapore Walk (250KM) is a combination of SRIR150km 15CP’s +Compass Route (100Km) 16th Checkpoint (Bukit Timah Hill Summit) where one should walk from JOHOR STRAITS LIGHTHOUSE to CHANGI VILLAGE HAWKER CENTRE climbing Bukit Timah Hill Summit and WOODLANDS JETTY LIGHTHOUSE to SOUTHERNMOST POINT OF CONTINENTAL ASIA climbing Bukit Timah Hill Summit. We call this a +Compass...
Part 1: The Great Singapore Walk-250KM
December 5, 2020
The Great Singapore Walk (250KM) is a combination of SRIR150km 15CP’s +Compass Route (100Km) 16th Checkpoint (Bukit Timah Hill Summit) where one should walk from JOHOR STRAITS LIGHTHOUSE to CHANGI VILLAGE HAWKER CENTRE climbing Bukit Timah Hill Summit and WOODLANDS JETTY LIGHTHOUSE to SOUTHERNMOST POINT OF CONTINENTAL ASIA climbing Bukit Timah Hill Summit. We call this a +Compass...
The Great Singapore Walk-250KM
December 1, 2020
Many of you might have enjoyed our last event SINGAPORE ROUND ISLAND ROUTE organized in October2020. That event had really inspired many of you to get outdoors and see the beauty of the Singapore nature at some of the remote areas. SINGAPORE ROUND ISLAND ROUTE not only we had the largest number of people signed...